This year we again provide insights into current passive house projects that have been built!
The building tours are offered in German with English translation. Each tour starts at 9 am in front of the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden and ends there at about 5 pm. The tour tickets include lunch as well as the bus transfer from the RheinMain CongressCenter to the different buildings and back (Exception: Tour 5 is an on foot tour!).
Projects |
Presenters |
Tour 1: Schools in Weiterstadt & Raunheim (Hessenwaldschule, Albrecht-Dürer-Schule, Astrid-Lindgren-Schule, Anne-Frank-Schule) | Tanja Schulz, Oliver Ottinger, Monika Kurz |
Tour 2: Heidelberg Bahnstadt | Robert Persch, Wiebke Großkopf |
Tour 3: Frankfurt am Main (Hospital Höchst, Gym Schillerschule Sachsenhausen, Ziehenschule Eschersheim and Sophienhöfe Bockenheim) | Andreas Schablitzki, Berthold Kaufmann, Christian Knecht, Oliver Seidel, among others |
Tour 4: Darmstadt (Examples for Wohnquartier K6, Elisabeth-Haus Roßdorf, Kunstdepot and Passivhaus SozialPlus) | Georg Zielke, Mark Großklos, among others |
Tour 5: Wiesbaden (ON FOOT: A-Z Architects business building, Ministry of finances from the outside and more objects to follow) | Holger Zimmer, among others |
Passive House standard in the RheinMain Area...