Ses­sion 3

Ses­si­on 3: Pass­ive Pub­lic Hous­ing

Fri­day, 10 Sep­tem­ber 2021


There is great po­ten­tial for en­ergy sav­ings in so­cial hous­ing. This ses­sion aims to show: Low-cost and sus­tain­able con­struc­tion and hous­ing do not have to be con­tra­dic­tions. Op­er­a­tion­al ex­per­i­en­ce and ex­amples of user/oc­cu­pant sat­is­fac­tion from vari­ous pro­jects in Ger­many will light the way for the fu­ture of cli­mate-neut­ral so­cial hous­ing.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er           
4:15 pm Wel­co­me
Burkhard Schulze Darup

4:20 pm

“Bikes­ and Rails”: a Pass­ive House as part of so­cial, tech­nic­al and urb­an in­nov­a­tion

"Bikes and Rails" is a Pass­ive House (Clas­sic) in a new neigh­bour­hood in Vi­enna, which was built as part of a co­op­er­at­ive and of­fers new ways of liv­ing. The build­ing was con­struc­ted mainly from wood, gen­er­ates en­ergy from the sun and fea­tures pass­ive sol­ar design ele­ments. The pro­ject pre­vents people from profit­ing from prop­erty and its res­id­ents do not need to use cars to get around.

Georg W. Reinberg | Architekturbüro Reinberg TZGmbH, Wien

4:35 pm

WohnSinn Bessun­gen – just your av­er­age Pass­ive House?
Norbert Stärz | Ing.-Büro inPlan TGA GmbH

4:50 pm

Af­ford­able and en­ergy-ef­fi­cient multi-storey so­cial hous­ing

In large build­ings, little heat is lost through thermal bridges. Nev­er­the­less, thermal bridges still have a con­sid­er­able ef­fect on the en­ergy bal­ance. Vari­ous solu­tions are cur­rently un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion. Costs play a par­tic­u­larly de­cis­ive role when in­stalling vent­il­a­tion sys­tems with heat re­cov­ery. There is a need for solu­tions which are both af­ford­able and en­ergy ef­fi­cient.

Tanja Schulz_400_z.png
Tanja Schulz | Passivhaus Institut
5:05 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

5:25 pm

In­creased sat­is­fac­tion, de­creased con­sump­tion and lower sum­mer tem­per­at­ures: Build­Tog Pass­ive House Bre­men

GE­WOBA Bre­men’s Build­Tog Pass­ive House in Bre­men-Fin­d­orff, which was com­pleted and first oc­cu­pied in 2017, com­prises 16 ren­ted flats. After be­ing mon­itored by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te (PHI) over a 3-year peri­od, it was found to have an im­press­ively low heat­ing en­ergy con­sump­tion of 12.5 kWh/(m²a) and to provide high levels of com­fort in sum­mer. All the res­id­ents are sat­is­fied with their liv­ing con­di­tions.

Soren Peper | Passivhaus Institut
5:40 pm

Ex­per­i­en­ces of op­er­at­ing two Pass­ive Houses in so­cial hous­ing

The aim of the Passivhaus­Sozi­alPlus pro­ject was to re­con­cile cli­mate pro­tec­tion and the con­struc­tion of so­cial hous­ing. Ini­tial meas­ur­ing res­ults show that low con­sump­tion val­ues can be achieved for heat, elec­tri­city and do­mest­ic wa­ter. The op­er­at­ing costs could be sig­ni­fic­antly re­duced by in­cur­ring mod­er­ate con­struc­tion costs.

Marc Großklos | Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH

5:55 pm

Mod­el pro­jects for sus­tain­able and af­ford­able liv­ing in Wup­per­tal and Bo­chum – “Vari­owohnung” hous­ing

Two sus­tain­able, af­ford­able and flex­ible res­id­en­tial build­ing pro­jects were com­pleted as part of an ini­ti­at­ive fun­ded by the BMI and North Rhine-West­phalia. The mod­el pro­jects were ev­al­u­ated for their pre­fab­ric­ated ele­ments, the re­duced use of sup­port­ing struc­tures and their res­ult­ing flex­ible design.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Christian Schlüter | ACMS Architekten GmbH
6:10 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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