Ses­si­on 14

Ses­si­on 14: Po­li­cy, net­works and edu­ca­ti­on

Mitt­woch, 15. Sep­tem­ber 2021


Pas­siv­häu­ser kön­nen einen enor­men Bei­trag zum Kli­ma­schutz im Ge­bäu­de­sek­tor leis­ten und ste­hen da­her im Lich­te der Kli­ma­kri­se im­mer mehr im Fo­kus der Po­li­tik. Er­folg­rei­che Mo­del­le der Im­ple­men­tie­rung des Pas­siv­haus­stan­dards für öf­fent­li­che Ge­bäu­de wer­den eben­so vor­ge­stellt wie Netz­wer­ke, die sich der Wei­ter­ver­brei­tung des Pas­siv­haus-Stan­dards ver­schrie­ben ha­ben. Des Wei­te­ren in­for­mie­ren die Re­fe­ren­ten über neue An­sät­ze zur Aus- und Wei­ter­bil­dung von Pas­siv­haus-Pla­ner:in­nen und - Be­ra­ter:in­nen so­wie über ge­sam­mel­te Er­fah­run­gen in die­sem Be­reich.


Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
10.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Dragomir Tzanev

10.05 Uhr

Scot­land's edu­ca­ti­on estate: Po­li­cy am­bi­ti­ons at sca­le

The Co­le re­port (2017) out­li­ned con­struc­ti­on qua­li­ty is­su­es in Scot­lands pu­blic sec­tor. Other re­ports out­li­ned com­fort is­su­es. In 2020 the Scot­tish Fu­tu­res Trust ap­p­lied a new ener­gy tar­get for new buil­dings ai­ming at hig­her stan­dards of qua­li­ty. Pas­siv­haus is a key me­tho­do­lo­gy in this de­li­ve­ry.

Ann-Marie Fallon | Architype

10.20 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se Re­tro­fits: Cli­ma­te ac­ti­on in the Nor­theast US

Yetsuh Frank | Building Energy Exchange
10.35 Uhr

Glas­gow Ice Box Chal­len­ge: From the spark of an idea to St Enoch Squa­re

The Glas­gow Ice Box Chal­len­ge took place from Ju­ly 23 un­til Au­gust 6, 2021 to rai­se awa­ren­ess for the vi­tal ro­le ener­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy in buil­dings plays in mee­ting our cli­ma­te goals in the run-up to the UN Cli­ma­te Change Con­fe­rence, COP26. The In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se As­so­cia­ti­on or­ga­ni­sed the Glas­gow Ice Box Chal­len­ge in part, to pro­du­ce a gui­de and tool kit to help sup­port fu­ture Ice Box Chal­len­ge pro­jects around the world. 

Giorgia Tsar | Passivhaus Institut

10.50 Uhr

Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten


11.10 Uhr

Using ana­lo­gies for fun and im­pact­ful Pas­si­ve Hou­se edu­ca­ti­on

Pas­si­ve Hou­se can be a com­plex sub­ject to com­mu­ni­ca­te and ex­plain. This pa­per and pre­sen­ta­ti­on will out­li­ne a fresh ap­proach using Ana­lo­gies for fun and Im­pact­ful Pas­si­ve Hou­se edu­ca­ti­on. The pa­per will out­li­ne the ap­proach and the pre­sen­ta­ti­on will pro­vi­de se­ver­al used ex­amp­les of ana­lo­gies from the ex­pe­ri­ence of both au­t­hors.

Barry McCarron | MosArt
11.25 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se si­te su­per­vi­sors: Skills and know­led­ge for suc­cess­ful PH buil­ding si­tes

The new add-on trai­ning for PH Tra­des­per­sons de­ve­lo­ped by the PHI, the Si­te Su­per­vi­sor cour­se, pro­vi­des Pas­si­ve Hou­se prac­ti­tio­ners with in-depth know­led­ge for coor­di­na­ting con­struc­ti­on si­tes of com­plex and/or lar­ger re­si­den­ti­al and non-re­si­den­ti­al Pas­si­ve Hou­se and Ener­PHit buil­dings.

Maria del Carmen.png
Maria del Carmen Rivero | Passivhaus Institut
11.40 Uhr

Start wal­king and the path will be­co­me cle­ar: Les­sons le­ar­ned du­ring 10 years of Pas­siv­haus

The ar­tic­le pres­ents les­sons le­ar­ned du­ring the de­sign and con­struc­ti­on of Pas­siv­haus buil­dings over the past 10 years in Spain, iden­tify­ing the im­port­an­ce of the he­at loss form fac­tor, along with suc­ces­ses and pit­falls re­la­ted to ther­mal in­su­la­ti­on, win­dows, air­tight­ness, ven­ti­la­ti­on and ac­ti­ve sys­tems.

Bega Clavero | Praxis Resilient Buildings
11.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 15


Zu Session 13