The Passive House Conference is getting closer!

The Conference Advisory Board convened, the programme is in the making
Friday, 25 Nov. 2022
The Con­fe­rence Ad­vi­so­ry Board Meet­ings Have Con­clu­ded!
At the re­cently con­cluded Con­fer­en­ce Ad­vis­ory Board meet­ings, the en­thu­si­ast­ic board mem­bers thor­oughly re­view­ed and dis­cus­sed each and eve­ry in­di­vi­du­al ab­stract sub­mit­ted. We would like to say a big "Thank you!" to all mem­bers of the board for their time and much ap­pre­ci­ated ef­fort! This year we re­ceived around 150 ab­stracts from 26 coun­tries. They will form the base for the con­fer­en­ce pro­gramme which will be pub­lished in Decem­ber. All au­thors who sub­mit­ted ab­stracts will be in­formed about the out­come of the ev­al­u­ation pro­cess very soon!
Tick­et Sa­les Will Be Re­lea­sed Soon!
We are gra­te­ful for all of your sub­mis­si­ons and can't wait to see you eit­her in per­son or hy­brid for our first li­ve con­fe­rence sin­ce the pan­de­mic be­gan. Plea­se do keep an eye out for tick­ets to the con­fe­rence as we can hap­pily in­for­m you that they will be availa­ble for pur­cha­se soon. 
We ho­pe to see all of you soon and look for­ward to the next few months ap­proa­ching the con­fe­rence!

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Conference , Passive House International