A hybrid experience– in Wuppertal and ONLINE

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

New this year: Our 2-part programme! PART 1: Friday, September 10 - Sunday, September 12 | 2021
PART 2: Tuesday, September 14 & Wednesday, September 15 | 2021

PART 1 of our con­fer­en­ce is planned as an on-site event with LIVE broad­cast dir­ec­tly from the His­tor­ische Stadthalle Wup­per­tal.

PART 2 will then be an ON­LINE ex­per­i­en­ce in the second week of the con­fer­en­ce! The pos­it­ive feed­back from the last year's con­fer­en­ce shows: it really works!

YOUR AD­VANT­AGE: You can ex­per­i­en­ce more ses­sions LIVE!


Also part of this year´s In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce is the Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion. Stroll through the ON­LINE Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion start­ing Septem­ber 01, 2021. On-site, our ex­hib­it­ors will be happy to wel­come you on Septem­ber 10 and 11 in the His­tor­ische Stadthalle Wup­per­tal.

Look for­ward to in­spir­ing lec­tures, new formats, build­ing tours, net­work­ing and a Pass­ive House ex­hib­i­tion in a hy­brid format!

We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!


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