Cred­it points

Cred­it points

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce can be cred­ited as a train­ing event to­wards re­new­ing your cer­ti­fic­ate.

The ses­sions will be re­cor­ded and all par­ti­cipants will get ac­cess to these on de­mand re­cord­ings after the con­fer­en­ce.




Cred­it points

28th In­ter­na­tio­na­l Pas­siv­e House Con­fer­ence

10 + 11 April 2026

- PH de­sign­er/con­sult­ant/trades­per­son: tba

- Ger­man En­ergy Agency (de­na): tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in Hesse: tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in North Rhine-West­phalia: tba

Build­ing tour

12 April 2026

- PH de­sign­er/con­sult­ant/trades­per­son: tba

- Ger­man En­ergy Agency (de­na): tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in Hesse: tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in North Rhine-West­phalia: tba


9 April 2026

- PH de­sign­er/con­sult­ant/trades­per­son: tba

- Ger­man En­ergy Agency (de­na): tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in Hesse: tba

- Cham­ber of Ar­chi­tects in North Rhine-West­phalia: tba