+++ Conference Countdown +++ PART 6: Summer is great! Overheated buildings rather not!

We alle love summer! And we love warmth. But overheated buildings? Very uncomfortable!
Awareness of cooling and climatization needs is on the rise in the northern hemisphere, too. Soraya Lopez will thus present the Passive House Institute's guidelines for summer comfort at the 25th International Passive House Conference.
We all love summer! And warmth! But overheated buildings? Very uncomfortable!
In the northern hemisphere, too, there is an increased understanding that we will have to prepare better for summer in the future. To prevent our houses from overheating despite more frequent hot summer days, the Passive House Institute worked out guidelines for summer comfort. And a stress testing for project planning which is integrated in the planification tool PHPP. How convenient!
Soraya Lopez from Passive House Institute will present both guideline and stress testing at the 25th International Passivce House Conference. Right on the first day, in session 4!