+++ Conference Countdown +++ PART 2: Climate protection and social justice

In the second part of the weekly series "Conference Countdown", find out how the PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt impressively reconciles climate protection and social concerns. Marc Großklos will present the details of this project at the 25th International Passive House Conference on Friday, September 10, 2021.
Climate protection and social justice
Highly energy-efficient buildings are not only good for climate protection but also a basis for affordable housing and social justice.
At the 25th International Passive House Conference, Marc Grossklos from the Institute for Housing and the Environment (IWU) will present operating experiences with an impressive project in social housing: PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt includes two houses, a building modernized with Passive House components and a new building in the Passive House Standard. The aim of the project was to combine favorable rents and low ancillary costs. To achieve this, energy-efficient kitchen appliances, LED lighting and a gray water system were installed, among other things. The buildings also have photovoltaic systems and battery storage. Service charges are billed on a flat-rate basis. Also what is interesting is that the residents can see on displays in their apartments how much of their budgets for drinking water and household electricity they have already used.
The PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt impressively demonstrates that climate protection and social concerns can be well harmonized. The details of the project in session 3 will be available on Friday, September 10, 2021.