Successful Advisory Board Meeting!

Thank you to our Advisory Board members for 3 days of inspiring discussions to put together the conference programme for the 25th International Passive House Conference in September 2021. The programme will be published by end of April 2021. The conference planned as an hybrid event will take place in the Stadthalle in Wuppertal/Germany and ONLINE.
On our way to Wuppertal...
we have now made great progress! Most recently, we were able to successfully hold our online Advisory Board meeting. This year, a 35-member Advisory Board is involved in the process. We were able to welcome international planners and advisors as well as long-time supporters. Numerous representatives of regional supporters, such as the Ministry of Economics of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is the patron and co-organiser of the conference, also participated intensively in the evaluation of the conference contributions.
The approximately 240 contributions received were discussed and evaluated individually and now form the basis for the programme of the 25th International Passive House Conference in Wuppertal. According to the unanimous feedback of the Advisory Board members, the outstanding quality of many of the contributions submitted this year was very positive. You can look forward to informative and exciting lectures at the Passive House Conference.
Once again this year, there are topics that have generated a particularly large number of submissions and are therefore of above-average interest to those involved. On the one hand, these are again interesting contributions on larger projects such as non-residential buildings or multi-storey residential constructions built in Passive House Standard. On the other hand, practitioners are increasingly concerned with either additional sustainability aspects or ecological materials for Passive Houses or EnerPHit modernisations. They also deal with solutions for prefabricated construction and renovation concepts for highly efficient new build projects and renovations. An important part of the solutions is also the training and knowledge transfer for current and future planning and construction staff, but also the successful communication of the Passive House principles to local authorities or building owners.
Many solutions and strategies with requirements for a whole range of target groups have been developed here, many positive examples that are looking for imitators - on the way to establishing the Passive House Standard in all areas!
Let's do it!
The programme for the 25th International Passive House Conference will be compiled in the coming weeks and published here at the end of April 2021.