28th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­ence

We'll see each oth­er again soon!

We're already look­ing for­ward to the 28th In­ter­na­tio­na­l Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce 2026! Pre­par­a­tions for this ex­cit­ing event are already un­der­way. You will soon find more in­form­a­tion about the ex­act dates and loc­a­tion of the next con­fer­en­ce on this page!


Mean­while, feel free to shorten the wait with this beau­ti­ful re­cap video of the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce which took place in Inns­bruck, Aus­tria, on 5-7 April 2024:

Click to view on Youtube (Google).

You feel pas­sion­ate about en­ergy-ef­fi­cient build­ings and can't wait to en­gage with the Pass­ive House com­mu­nity again? Then con­sider join­ing the many mo­tiv­at­ing events that will take place in 2024/2025 in the con­text of the Pass­ive House on Tour event series! You can find more in­form­a­tion about it here.
